Mood changes - Renewed Balance Clinic

What is mood changes?

Mood changes refer to shifts or fluctuations in a person's emotional state. Our mood is influenced by various biological, psychological and social factors that interact in complex ways. When our mood undergoes significant elevations or drops that impact functioning, it may signal an underlying issue.

Some key things to understand about mood changes:

What causes mood changes?

Mood regulation in the brain involves complex interactions between neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine and various neural circuits. When these become disrupted, it can lead to emotional instability.

Hormones heavily impact mood as well. For example, thyroid disorders, menopause, postnatal changes, etc. can trigger mood swings. Hormone imbalances may require medical treatment.

Situational factors like chronic stress, grief, anxiety and trauma can also throw off brain chemistry and worsen mood regulation. Lifestyle habits around sleep, diet, exercise and substance use also play a role.

While mood changes are a normal reaction to life events, long-lasting shifts in mood or extreme mood swings can signify an underlying health condition that needs assessment.

Seeking help

If you are experiencing intense, unexplained and persistent mood issues, consult a mental health professional. Therapists can help uncover root causes and teach coping strategies. For hormonal mood imbalances, endocrinologists can assess and correct hormone levels.

Renewed Balance Clinic specializes in hormonal health and offers mood treatment options like bioidentical hormone therapy. Their compassionate doctors develop customized plans to balance hormones naturally. With locations across the country, Renewed Balance Clinic helps men and women find emotional stability.

Getting the right care makes all the difference in managing difficult mood changes. Be patient through the treatment process, communicate openly with your support network, and stick to healthy lifestyle habits. With time and consistency, mood regulation can be restored.

Seek professional help for managing mood changes.

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